Friday, January 16, 2009

Christ Ahnsahnghong: Cult or Not Cult?

I just wanted to write very briefly about the thought of the Church of God being a cult or not. If you are contemplating this opinion, look more into the facts. Christ AhnSahngHong established the Church of God and we follow His teachings because they are simply coming from the bible. Somehow many people believe these teachings are from a cult, however, all these teachings are Christ teachings established thousands of years ago. Actually, when you compare the teachings of Christ AhnSahngHong with what others are following, you end up being quite shocked:

Bible Teachings

  1. Sabbath (Ex20:8)
  2. Passover (Luke22:13)
  3. 7 Feast of God (Lev23:1)
  4. Male/Female Image of God (Gen1:27)
  5. Heavenly Jerusalem Mother (Gal4:26)
  6. 2nd Coming in Flesh (Heb9:28)
  7. Who is King David (Hos 3:5)
  8. Who is Melchizedek (Gen14:18)
AhnSahngHong's Teachings
  1. Sabbath (Ex20:8)
  2. Passover (Luke22:17)
  3. 7 Feast of God (Lev23:1)
  4. Male/Female Image of God (Gen1:27)
  5. Heavenly Jerusalem Mother (Gal4:26)
  6. 2nd Coming in Flesh (Heb9:28)
  7. Who is King David (Hos3:5)
  8. Who is Melchizedek (Gen14:18)
Others' Teachings
  1. Sunday/Any Day (No verse)
  2. Communion (No verse)
  3. Xmas/Easter (No verse)
  4. One Male Image of God (No verse)
  5. Mary is our Mother (No verse)
  6. 2nd Coming in physical cloud (No verse)
  7. Don't Know (--)
  8. Don't Know (--)

All the teachings of AhnSahngHong are coming directly from the bible and are the exact same teachings Christ also taught 2,000yrs ago. If something is coming from the Bible then it shouldn't be considered a cult. And in this case, in my opinion, even if it's considered a cult, then it's Creator God's cult. Through these teachings, God Almighty Christ Ahnsahnghong is leading us to the Kingdom of Heaven. Please do your own resarch through the Bible and see for yourself. Look at what the bible says, not at what the people say. Christ AhnSahngHong truly is the Christ prophesied to appear in these last days. Everything He did was already written in the Bible! From His birth to His death He showed He is Mighty God. If you don't study the Bible, you are just going to assume and not really understand the correct way.

Hosea 4:6 "my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge..."